New Construction

Home Building Companies


Efficient Energy Strategies can help builders

  • maintain their recognition that they construct high quality buildings

  • verify the building is constructed above code

  • reduce complaints by finding common problem areas

  • saving time and money not having to fix issues later.

We provide services such as

All of this gives piece of mind to new homeowners that their building will be efficient, comfortable, and built by a respected company. As RESNET Home Energy Raters and PHIUS certified raters, our new construction energy assessment service provides builders and homeowners looking to build access to Focus on Energy cash rebates, tax credits, and the ability to add value to the homes they construct.

Homeowners Looking to Build


Efficient Energy Strategies can work with you and the building company to make your home energy efficient and comfortable for you and your family. Especially when building a new home, it is important to make sure often overlooked areas that are important to efficiency and comfort are addressed prior to finishing the interior of the home. During the building process is the easiest and least costly time to take care of air sealing and insulating vs after all drywalling is finished.

Haven’t found a building company yet? Take a look at Focus on Energy’s New Home Certification page. Here you can find out how a Focus on Energy Certified New Home is more comfortable, safer, and more energy efficient than a standard Wisconsin Building Code built home. Make sure to use their Find a Trade Ally tool to find a builder near you!

Looking for a high performance home builder? The ENERGY STAR and ZERH Partner tools are a great place to look for builders who have experience with high performance homes. To go a step further with Passive Homes, go to the PHIUS Find a Professional tool for builders that can build you the home of your dreams.

Contact us.

If you are a building company looking to add value to your new construction or a homeowner looking to build the home that you can be comfortable in, contact us to see what we can do for you!